5 Tips to engage your customer through SMS Marketing

It has been surveyed that 98% of mobile users open their messages within seconds. Therefore, Sms marketing is the easiest and best advertising tool among all to get your customers engagement. There are few points which should be kept in mind while doing sms campaign to earn more and more engagement. Send offers & Discounts: you can use sms to send latest offers, festive discount and updates to your customers. It is the best way to increase your customer engagement as offers or discounts terms always attract the buyers because Consumer is always waiting for offer codes, deals or discount coupons. For example; ”you can send sms to your buyer for hot deals on the occasion of Diwali festive season such as, Rs. 5,000 cash discount on the purchase of Rs. 30,000” Address your customer personally: if you can display the customer's name personally in the massage, then the probability of customer engagement doubles because recipient feels familiar with the ...